Tag Archives: remote

Talking to mysql on Bitnami google-cloud Tomcat instance

The Java deployment world is plagued with infra issues! Things we need to take care of:

  • Apache
  • Tomcat
  • Firewall/Ports
  • Shell accesses
  • Security/Encryption/Keys
  • File System Storage
  • Indexes corrupting and the list goes on…

So after my failed attempt to understand/decipher CORS issues on the AWS platform, I fortunately stumbled on google-cloud! And it is one hell of a bouquet of services for us petty and dev-ops-complaining Java folks!

So churn out a bitnami tomcat instance and you get the feel of the aws thing. For over a month now my google cloud app was(still is) talking to the mysql instance on aws, before that starts to drain my mini wallet, time to configure a mysql instance on google-cloud. And here are the steps:

  1. Have access to the SSH into your google cloud instance working
  2. Create following script (/home/bitnami/mysql-init):
  3.  UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('NEW_PASSWORD') WHERE User='root';
  4. sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh stop mysql
  5. sudo /opt/bitnami/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/opt/bitnami/mysql/my.cnf --pid-file=/opt/bitnami/mysql/data/mysqld.pid --init-file=/home/bitnami/mysql-init 2> /dev/null &
  6. sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart mysql
  7. Remove the script in step 2.

So it turns out to get mysql talking on your bitnami instance you only need to reset the password.

Further to enable remote access do this in


  •  #bind-address=

Next to enable remote mysql access via workbench you need to enable firewall ports to allow connections for tcp 3306 for a specific ip on your google cloud instance.

And there you go, you have a lot powerful config, much like aws ready to be used, backed by google!!



Searching for developer owned dev and deploy platform!

It has been long time I have been wanting to get rid of hard disk failures at home.
For this, the only solution that hit me was use a wireless network storage (WNS) system at home and things would be fine.
That still would need to be dependent on power from the same place where I use the WNS, so not quite a scalable solution.

So here I announce the search for such a service, where ,
1/ I remotely login
2/ I can setup my desktop environment
3/ I can checkout/clone any public-ally hosted project.
4/ I can test-develop-deploy the complete application
5/ I can host the application for the world to enjoy!

Any service providers you come across, please so share here.


Remote Controlled Application-Feature On-Off Facility

This morning an idea just hit me of enabling/disabling features of an application/system remotely.
If we add(already have?) a way where a module(per-say feature) has an attribute of whether it is alive or not, we can control the way a feature is available at runtime for that application/product.
We do layering, we would need to put the feature On_OFF switch withing that layering so that would need a standard of packaging/module-ring an application.
Is this possible and how would that be advantageous?
