I stumbled upon this understanding a while back!
Lets look at AI bots first:
- They have all logic programmed in them for a particular situation.
- They have stimulus response, partially developed.
- They need to be activated somehow (OK Google, Hey Siri, Hey Cortana, Yo! Alexa etc)
- They partially replicate human senses.
- Can wreck hovac!
Now lets see viruses in comparison:
- They have all the mechanism in place for replicating and doing their unique thing.
- Some are capable of stimulus response
- They need a living host body to grow, develop, survive , activate , replicate, spread.
- Most of them replicate cell functions that harm the body.
- They have caused lot of destruction!
Nature via evolution, creates these complex particles(A virus, that has not yet contacted the host body is called virion, which is made up of nucleic acid(RNA or DNA) and/or an outer shell of protein.).
Once created/come into existence, they need a host system to act, and that happens to be a living cell in a living body.
So the virus cannot operate without cell, similarly the AI bots cannot operate if they run out of battery(cell’s), You see?!
There you go, we are entering a world of human created viruses, as if nature’s contribution was not enough already!!
PS: The word android means : A robot/automaton with a human appearance!