Tag Archives: rails

Cut Rubies With Ease.. Through RVM!

I have been out of touch with Ruby for quite a long time now, all thanks to my pathetic job!

In the meanwhile a lot of things have happened, like Ruby1.9.2 is finally out, and along came the even more awaited Rails 3.0

So, last weekend I made up my mind to take the plunge and set off to setup everything up and running. But as soon as I learned that my distro still doesn’t have the pkgs of the latest ruby and rubygems, I almost stopped dead in my tracks..

But then I found about RVM and everything changed. Yes.. RVM as you might have guessed is a Ruby Version Manager. RVM doesn’t work like any other pkg, its tightly integrated with the shell you use.

RVM empowers you to install and use multiple versions of ruby at the same time.
$rvm install [ruby version]

You can switch to different ruby versions, just like that..
$rvm [ruby version]

You can set a default ruby version to use whenever you open a shell
$rvm –default [ruby version]

RVM also enables you to easily manage all your gems specific to different versions of ruby.

RVM saved the day for me, and it can do it for you. For more info on RVM, checkout this link – http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/