All posts by Margi Shah

Test Driven Development with SpringBoot+Junit


Test-driven development(TDD) in the Spring framework.

TDD  helps me speed up my software release cycles, and ensure that I end up with a high-quality product. Spring makes Java enterprise development much easy.  Spring Boot, which we will use in this blog, is a project that does this task with excellence.

Follows are the steps to configure your spring boot framework with the Junit and Maven.

Step-1)Set up Spring boot with J-Unit testing Approach

After Set your maven dependencies , for spring-boot add following dependency for testing Approach.



Step-2)Create test Package and in that ,create DemoApplicationTests Class.

Step-3)Inject controller using @InjectMocks, Inject repository using @Mock Annotations.

Let us take some J-Unit Annotations used in java class :

@Before:@Before annotation are executed before each test.

@After:It executes after each test.

@BeforeClass: It executes common operation before each test,So it executes  only once before running all tests.

@AfterClass: It executes common operation after each test, So it executes only once after running all tests.

@Test:The Test annotation tells JUnit that the public void method to which it is attached can be run as a test case.

In JUnit 5, the tags @BeforeEach and @BeforeAll are the equivalents of @Before and @BeforeClass in JUnit 4.

Configure Java File and Select Run as Junit and Test the file.


Congratulations!!!you are done with your TDD approach.

Eclipse not auto-configuring/auto-importing a Git mavenized project

I was trying to setup a maven project in eclipse via GIT. I had hoped, it will auto import the project into eclipse, but for some reason that did not happen.


This is what was done as a workaround:

Step:1 Checkout your repository in your system

File->import->Git->Project from Git->Clone URI->Enter Git Repository Details

Select Destination where you wanted to store your Git Repository

Step:2 Import your Project into Eclipse

File->import->maven->install or deploy an artifact to a Maven Repository

Once these steps are done, The project is browsable in eclipse!

Some Helpful Git Commands for the commandline:

git init — Initialize your directory with git.

git add FILE and git checkout — FILE To stage/unstage a file

git commit— To save your changes. This commit will be local

git stash and git stash pop — Stashes are back

git reset HEAD –hard Revert all your local changes

git log— Access all the history in the repository

git rebase –You can squash all the commits! (one should be carefull with this one)

git branch –You can create local branches,But keep the history linear

Hope this workaround and the commands are useful to a new user.