Tag Archives: service

Why is new-style(apps based) cab booking still a mess?

I assumed this new style will beat my old/traditional way of the whole cab experience, but HELL NO!

Every riders woes – Minutes before boarding a cab!
  1. Booking beforehand
    • Apps:You cannot book the app based cabs beforehand. One service allows, but only 0000 to 0700 hrs ? That’s superb customer service, Their systems maybe do not take peak hour requests!
    • My Way: Go ahead and book the cab even two weeks ahead and the cab will be right there for your need!
  2. The day of the booking
    • Apps: You forget about your last minute travels plannings, instead dedicate one human to constantly check for cab availability.
    • My Way:No problemo sire! We’ll be there and we’ll also carry your luggage from your house to the cab!
  3. At the 11th Hour of the booking
    • Apps: Hope you get through “ride now” option! And if you cancel, you are logged out of making any further bookings! Grr!
    • My Way: We will be there in exactly 10 minutes! Unfailingly!! (beat this experience!)
  4. The cab is there — where?
    • Apps: I am standing here, where are you (happens atleast 2 times) + Sir I thought booking was for 1130 hrs, you are coming after half hour, please cancel your request + Sir, you please cancel as you are not coming + Once I had this cab driver run away,with the cab, right infront of my eyes! That was so sorry look on my face!
    • My Way: The cab is visible right infront of your gallery!(Beat that! again? anyone??)
  5. ย The ride begins
    • Apps: Sir, which route?. Hope you know where to go. We’ll ask someone there.(spend 15 minutes searching and asking everyone around)
    • My Way:Sit back, relax, sleep, They tell me when the spot is reached!(They use their phone for reaching the destination! -Ain’t that smart!)
  6. Post-The-Ride :: Tu Kaun?
    • Apps: me:Thank you for not abducting me and extorting money!
    • My Way: me:Thank you for taking care of my traveling woes!

Although “My Way” is 2x cost wise, but other comforts are simply not comparable! I can quote 10 more other problems with the apps. It’s still not my preferred way of traveling!

Driving dislikes me! I am interested to reach my destination with least hiccups!

I’ll post a follow-up with the state of self driving cars!

Searching for developer owned dev and deploy platform!

It has been long time I have been wanting to get rid of hard disk failures at home.
For this, the only solution that hit me was use a wireless network storage (WNS) system at home and things would be fine.
That still would need to be dependent on power from the same place where I use the WNS, so not quite a scalable solution.

So here I announce the search for such a service, where ,
1/ I remotely login
2/ I can setup my desktop environment
3/ I can checkout/clone any public-ally hosted project.
4/ I can test-develop-deploy the complete application
5/ I can host the application for the world to enjoy!

Any service providers you come across, please so share here.
